Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Friday, September 14, 2007

It's the end of the week as we know it!!

Regular readers may note that I've fallen back in love with blogging, it's kind of like scrapbooking really, in the first three months after I registered my business I was just too busy trying to get work in, etc but now that the wedding Photograpy bookings are coming in nicely for next year and I think I have the advertising sussed it's given me atleast a few more minutes in the day to sit and blog and as you saw the other day even scrap! Ooh don't forget about the Christmas Portraiture Offer I have on my website at the moment, just think how happy granny would be to receive gorgeous photos of the children this year, that offer is still on the home-page of the website so don't forget to check it out and save yourself a fortune this year!!W

I have no doubt that by next summer I'll not have time again because I'll be out all the time photographing all those weddings I've booked! I'm really looking forward to that as well though, it beats working for the Bank Of England, euwww even thinking back to those horrid 5 years when I first left school gives me the chills, I remember for atleast a couple of those years how I hated it so much I wanted to cry all the time, it actually made me so ill with IBS that I had nearly a year on the sick. All because I had been forced into a job I never would have chosen. A million years later and half a lifetime of wishing and being positive and finding out who I am and of course things now couldn't be more different, finally living the dream, cool or what?!

Hurrah for the weekend and here's the lovely brides to be that I'm meeting over the next couple of days in and around Newcastle, now then if someone could squeeze me an extra day in the diary a week I sure would appreciate it :D

1 comment

  1. I second the 'Hurray for the weekend'
    2 days of sitting with my feet up relaxing....yea right!!


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