Adorable Abigail of course!!!
It's the weekend so not too much going on, booked a fantastic couple yesterday for 27th of October 2007 and then by contrast booked an amazing couple today who won't actually marry until June 2009! Thats why I love my job as a wedding photographer, I get to meet such lovely people and share in their celebrations of love and commitment, of course it helps that I'm a romantic at heart!!
Talking of romance, hubby and I had a date last night, we had some cocktails down on the quayside in Newcastle and then we went off for dinner at the Kublai Khan restaurant, the Kublai Khan is the citys only mongolian/chinese restaurant and although I stuck to the safety of the chinese delights hubby tells me that his mongolian dish which was freshly prepared almost in front of him, was the most delish Mongolian food he's ever eaten, funny because it's the ONLY Mongolian food he's ever eaten!!
After this afternoons consultation we stopped off at the Marquis of Granby and I can honestly recommend this pub as we had the best pub lunch we've eaten for atleast 6 months!! So if you're ever in Gateshead I recommend you take a trip up there to sunniside where you'll get a great welcome and fabulous lunch!!
I think after all that food tommorrow will be spent having a long walk with the dog and the children who is has to be said have had a very busy weekend themselves, they were whisked away for the evening last night to one set of grandparents and they're due back from the other set of grandparents at around 6ish, so I'm thinking that the afternoon nap I promised myself may well not happen!!!
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