Firstly apologies for starting a sentence with and (and then capitalising it) terrible grammar, english etc!
No apologies for being knackered though, we've had 2 fun packed days away and now I am ready for my bed!
So as you know it was all in honour of this little lady and she really did have the time of her life I think. Yesterday when we were at Gullivers World she turned and said to me (whilst jumping up and down excitedly) "Mummy this is the funnest place we've been to ever" Can't really argue with that statement. So chuffed that she's turned 5 today and is for the most part a lovely young lady.
Of course I have tons of photos from yesterday and today at Knowsley Safari Park I took anough photos to last a week.

This one sums it up for me though, total an unadulterated fun, look at the expression on that face, it's a definite 5op face if ever I saw one, if you want to know what a 50p face is you'll have to ask my other half and I only know because it was him that taught me the concept!!
The hotel where we stayed was fabulous and I can see us going there again as I've told Paul I desperately want to go and visit Liverpool and then also maybe link up with some time in gorgeous Wales which isn't too far away from their either.
I particularly loved our family swimming session last night, it was the first time ever we'd all been swimming since before Laura came along and I loved it so much, I have promised that we'll go swimming more often as it's one of the most sporty things you can do to lose weight and tone up all at the same time and it's a bag of complete and utter fun!!
So look out for more postings from Charlton HQ during this week and Happy Bank Holiday Monday!!
1 comment
the panda says you can start a sentence with "And" very gramatically correct.
Eats, shoots and leaves isn't!
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