Another yummy photo of Chad, thats not my news though!
My great news is that my boss at Happy Scrapper has offered me a job, up until now I did hours when and if she needed me and so I just worked for product but from the 2nd of January I'll be an official Happy Scrapper employee for 16 hours a week, I can't tell you how happy i am, I love me job so entirely so to actually get paid for something I love is just brilliant.
You know the best bit, previously Paul and I were written off by society, by our families and even by our own doctors and now we're going to go from no income to being a double income family and no longer will we have to scrabble about for money or worry how we're going to pay bills, I think we may even manage holidays!
Things have changed so entirely for this family dear reader and I want to say a big thanks for all of those of you who have helped me, supported me and had faith in me. you really helped turn my life around!
that's brilliant Hinny. So happy for you. That's one in the eye for y'mam. A paid job!!
Hugs and happy dance.
Let me know if you need a designer. ;)
I am so happy for you Mandy, and your darling little family.
Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay for mandy. What fab news. I know you ain't had things easy at the mo but at least things are begining to look up for you
I have been keeping you in my thoughts and prayers :) I'm glad things are looking up for you! *hugs*
I am glad to hear things are getting better for you and your family.
I have a question for you. I am Paul's Christmas swap partner and I have no idea what to get him. Do you have any suggestions?
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