They seem to grow up, I took this photograph of my youngest during the week and it strikes me just how grown up she is, she's going to be 3 at the end of September but she's already got a wise little head on those cuddly little shoulders, Looby Dooby Dumpling Pie as she's affectionately known by me is my little smiley angel, she has her moments but of all the children she has the most easy going of tempraments, which is not to say that she isn't determined, between her and Abigail who is 16 months older, Looby is proud of her independance and choosing her clothes and getting dressed where as Abigail (
daddys princess ) likes to have as much done for her as possible!!
So anyway off they have both went to grandmas for the day and Iain is at a friends accross the street where he stayed last night. All in our house is very quiet except for Pauly watching his fill of Futerama and of course moi and my tap tappity tap of the keyboard a sound which sometimes is strangely comforting and sometimes drives even myself insane!!
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