Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Monday, May 15, 2006

I'm Back

Hello all, tis me :)

They let me out today, I couldn't bear to be away from home any longer, it's just a quick post and I'm a little disturbed to find that I have been spammed in my absence which is such a shame considering all of the lovely comments that you all left for me, some people really make me angry.

Anyway enough of that, the Op went well and I'm currently day 4 post operatively so quite sore and sitting here in bed, having gotten home and slept for about 3 hours, I'm bruised beyond belief on my wrists, arms, legs, and well we'll not go into the state of my tummy, it's at the moment somewhere between mid episode Casualty and 15 certificate horror!

I have an infection which was only discovered after they had decided I could come home which is fun so I have some anti-biotics which will probably change when they find out what the infection is! LOL

The District nurse has to come and remove my stitch tommorrow, now for you crafty folks I think you'll be proud to hear that i just have one enormous stitch with a bead at either end, maybe I should keep them for a scrapbook page, erm maybe not eh?

I'm shattered and emotional and crotchety, it's my subtle tip that anyone going in for the Op I just had shouldn't choose to give up smoking at the same time, great for your health, V V bad for your emotional state.

Right, I need some rest and then if I can summon a little energy a little light cyber shopping, real shopping is banned till week three, short walks are banned till atleast next week, in fact the only thing I am allowed to do is make a drink, Cyber shopping was not on the week by week list though so I take it that it's ok.

I have missed you all so much, I never knew how lonely it was without all of you lovelies, ooh and beofre I forget I must say thanks to :-

Kirsteen for the choccy and the photoshop mag, the kids ate the choccy when they came to see me! The card was so sweet.

Cubby, for the wonderful card which was admired by many many nurses on the ward

Jaqueline, for the most beautiful flowers I have ever received, and I mean that, who knew that you could get flowers in a vase, how lucky am I, even today they're still going strong.

Louise, for the yummily lovely card which I suspect may have been out Of Lisa B's kit, You chose well and I wish I had gotten that kit now!

right I really must go now, lotsa love and thank goodness for my blog and if you are the spammer I am going to come round your house and show you my wound, so beware!!


  1. Anonymous3:50 pm

    So glad you are home Mandy, you'll make much more progress in your own house than you ever could in a hospital, glad you liked the flowers sorry they werent primas though, will post my get well box off to you now should keep you busy for a wee while. Take care, have missed you loads.

  2. Anonymous4:39 pm

    Gald you're back home, take it easy you don't want to have to go back to hospital, and of course you should keep the beads for scrapbooking :D

    Tell the nurse you want tegaderm on the wound. it's great at keeping out infection and keeps the wound nice and dry and shower proof.

    Olwen xxx

  3. Anonymous6:12 pm

    How good it is see that you're back Mandy, take care and heal quickly xx

    Lotsaluv - Auntie Rho :o)

  4. Anonymous6:34 pm

    Hiya Mandy!

    So glad you're home, take it easy, especially with that infection! Still, those anti-bi's will soon do the trick!
    Hope to hear from you soon just as soon as you're up to it.

    Take care & big hugs,(((((((HUG))))))

    Carol xxxx


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