Bless I wish I felt like this right now but sadly I am still in the world of the eveil lurgy, the family all deserted me lest they should catch such an evil bug! I have spent the afternoon in and out of my bed and not for any good reason I should hasten to add, I simply felt Carpo, In the half hours I have been up though I hear that Dawn has left the Big Brother house after communicating with the outside world, apparently she told her family that should she receive bad press her sister had to send a message to BB saying she was ill, this would then be passed on as the rules state that HM's are allowed to receive certain info, So anyway after less than a week and lots of bad press she gets the message, she asks to leave BB smell a bad fish, conspiracy unwound and she's chucked by lunchtime! Well you certainly can't say that the first week hasn't been eventful.
Jane, my welsh american friend rang me and we had a good old gossip about BB and then she gave me a tip for my schnozzle that I should have a steam inhalation using just some good old water and salt, luckily we have quite a lot of sea salt lying around so I did the steamy thing and for the first time today some of the pressure in my head has lifted, if only the decongestants had done the same thing! LOL
what a great photo :) it makes me want to smile.
hiay from a geordie overseas.
Boy you British people like that word "lurgy"! I saw that on another UK blog and had to ask what the heck...!? HOpe you feel better soon.
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