Yes the poorlies have once again invaded and got Iain this time, he's too ill for school but not horribly ill which is good, I had a rather yacky night feeling sick and having a migraine so I went to bed at 8pm, took my injection then got up again for House at 9pm and then was back in bed at 10pm.
I was supposed to be escorting darling hubby to the hospital this morning as he's having tests on his kidneys, some of them not so nice but now I'll have to stay home with Iain and Looby and hope that he's ok and that they don't give him a sedative because sedatives and Paul don't mix, Paul only has to look at a sedative to be knocked out for 24 hours! LOL
This mornings photo was taken last July at Alnwick garden, for any of you who don't know it's the hemerocalis and only blooms for 24 hours before it dies, quite possibly one of the saddest floral stories I know! Atleast it got to be beautiful in it's incredibly short life though!
Well it's the start of another long weekend, it's the May day bank holiday on Monday so the kids are off again and then on Thursday it's the local election and Abigails nursery is being used as a polling station so another day off for her, blimey they seem to be off school more than there at the moment!!
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