Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Monday, March 13, 2006

Still Blinkin got the poorlies :(

yes I have and I'm not happy, I felt ok earlier on today and Looby was looking brighter and much happier after her morning nap so we went off to Dainty's in Washington, it's like the dark hole of crafting, a big warehouse with mostly rubbish and do-crafts type stuff but you can get occasional bargains. They have the biggest ribbon selection I have ever seen, you can buy it in rolls or by the metre but to be honest most of it is so cheap I just buy rolls, I bought two today but will probably keep some and put some in the kits which I am selling. I also got 2 huge gerbera flowers for 59p each which I have taken apart and now I have some identical to Heidi swapps, only difference is hers are so much more expensive. So after going for 2 rolls of ribbon I came out with a huge amount of stuff, mostly for the kids as they have a fabby selection of kids crafting things. When I got home I was back in temperature mode and since then I have deteriorated back to the fluey mess I was this time yesterday, I have a huge headache which is partly due to the flu and partly due to the fact that I smacked my head off the card door, LOL, I am so accident prone, some days I should just stay in a padded cell and play with cotton wool :D

So I was going to attempt my own challenge tonight but I'm feeling pretty carp so I'm just going to lie on the settee and watch corrie.

OOh I must tell you of my find of the day, in a cheapy shop next to the doctors I found peanut butter chunky kit-kats, wow now they're tasty, and they only cost £1 for 10 of them, all the kids loved them so I guess we'll be going for more tommorrow before they sell them all, the writing on the pack was french so I guess they have a penchant for peanut butter in Paris!

One last thought of the day, I am so proud of Abigail, she came home with the neatest version of her name today from nursery, she finally wrote it all by herself and I am so proud of her, Abigail is a hard word to write when you are 3, she's been writing words now for a while but it was difficult to spell and write her very own name, maybe if we had called her May or Aby! LOL, so I just want to tell the world how wonderful Abigail is, she can be monsterous at times but over all she's just wonderful, she asked me if I would be getting up in the morning, I promised her I would and let daddy have the lie in and asked her why she wanted me to get up so badly, she replied "because you are special and I can give you lots of kisses" Ahhhhh makes you melt!


  1. Anonymous8:59 pm

    That was so sweet of Abigail :) Bless her little socks.

    I've tried the peanut Kit Kats once, don't think I'll bother again. They were ok but not so nice that I'd want that many.

    Hope your flu bug goes soon.

    Elvish one. xxx

  2. Anonymous12:47 pm

    Mand - I had one of those chunky kit-kats yesterday and though it was yummee.

    Abigail is a poppet - bless her xx


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