Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Scary Movie and a layout

Ooh loving that layout, I did it on Monday night, in case anyone who doesn't know me is looking, it's my gorgeous hubby!

Well now about that Movie we went to see, well it all started badly when we were accosted by large bouncers and quizzed as to whether we had any recording equiptment upon ourt persons, how tight was security, well imagine very snug lycra swimming shorts and you'll get the idea.

The prize draw was for 2 tickets to a movie premier all expenses paid, infortunatley we didn't win but it would have been a prize and a half.

So then onto the main event. "The Hills have Eyes" is a remake of the 1974 movie of the same name by Wes Craven, master of horror, he took a producers role for this movie and the whole thing was given that terrifying noughties spin. To say it was scary is an understatement, I won't bore you with the story as quite frankly there wasn't one, I spent most of the movie wanting to leave but Paul wouldn't let me, I hid behind my hands to tightly that I had pressure marks in my forehead by the time it had finished and as for jumping well I left that up to hubby dearest but how he didn't end up sitting in the aisle he jumped so high, I'll never know. If you love Horror movies I think you might quite like this movie although Paul informs me it's not the best horror he's seen. The movie had absolutely no ending whatsoever and I left the cinema happy in the knowledge that I am never going to another horror as long as I live, I don;t care what treats they give me, oh and as for treats last night was low fat rice snacky things and volvic flavoured water, maybe they thought we had put on too much weight with the ice-creams they usually give us :D

1 comment

  1. Anonymous11:35 am

    Love the blog Mandy,really good fun and interesting.That film sounds far too scarey,you were brave to sit through the whole thing.


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