Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Sunday, February 26, 2006

The world of blogs!

I recently discovered just how fulfilling it is to read blogs, yes it does take a few hours at a time up because it's addictive to a fault, I just can't help myself, I just love to know what goes on in peoples lives and particularly lives of scrappers, i want to know what they're doing, what they're scrapping and whats new in the scrapping world. Because of this I find myself even more addicted than usual to the gals blogs on as they're the ones who get all the fab things first, they go to classes with Heidi Swapp and Ali Edwards and they're using the latest products, products which at this time I am still drooling over and unable to obtain. I guess I get a bit envious too as they all seem so happy and have better houses, better families and better scrapping spaces, yes I covet and yes I know thats wrong. I bet none of the 2peas girls do the same with us UK scrappers, i bet they think OMG thats so last month, or OMG I didn't even know they still made that! In quiet moments I often dream of having a large american house right next to the scrap store where Heidi just happens by to be teaching a class, oh and did I mention that Becky Higgins lives just next door and likes to come crop with me. Nice dream eh?

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